B-2 Spirit

B-2 Spirit

It’s hard to deny just how stunning the B-2 Spirit looks. A gorgeous, slick, all-black stealth bomber, its rudderless body and technological edge combine the coolness and menace of Batman and Darth Vader into one deadly package for the American military. Design for the B-2 began in 1981, when America was still deep in the Cold War. Production began in 1987 and continued through to 1997. Then geopolitical events, like the complete collapse of the Soviet Union, meant that the need for an unparalleled long-range stealthy nuclear bomber was reduced. Costing roughly $1 billion dollars each in 1995, the program was drastically cut and only 21 of the bombers were ultimately made. The B-2 Spirit was a victim of the end of the Cold War, or at least as much of a victim as a non-feeling slab of deadly metal can possibly be. Nevertheless it’s one or the most iconic airplanes ever built.

Who else if not CARF-Models would have the guts to build one as a model, make it work with the available technology of today, tame it so that it flies like a pussy cat and make it available to the distinctive model airplane enthusiast as an all composite, painted, highly prefabricated ARF kit?



Technische Daten


Spannweite    4350mm

Länge             1650mm

Gewicht          24Kg

Antrieb           2x 80-100N


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B-2 "All Grey"

Artikel-Nr.: C-451000

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