Eurosport Ultimate

Eurosport Ultimate

A classic icon is re-borm. The BEST from both worlds. That describes the Eurosport ULTIMATE better than anything else. A symbiosis of two breathtaking versions of the possibly most successful jet model ever. All the defining features of the Eurosport 3D-Universe, its light weight, its extreme maneouverablility, its completeness and its well engineered flight mechanics, combined with the ruggedness and simplicity of the regular Eurosport Evolution. Latest production technologies, extreme prefabrication and other market trends added. And here comes what will blow most critics and non-believers away: An introductory paint scheme out of this world! The history making "Bronze Tiger" of the Bavarian Tigers.





Technische Daten


Spannweite     1680mm

Länge               2250mm

Gewicht           9,2Kg (dry)

Antrieb            160-180N

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Eurosport ULTIMATE (Jolly Roger)

Artikel-Nr.: C-216000

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2.760,00 *

Eurosport ULTIMATE (Swiss Scheme)

Artikel-Nr.: C-215000

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2.760,00 *

Eurosport ULTIMATE (all grey)

Artikel-Nr.: C-214000

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2.463,00 *

Eurosport ULTIMATE (Bronze Tiger)

Artikel-Nr.: C-213000

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2.951,00 *
Unser aktuellen Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Versandkostenfrei ab 129,00 € innerhalb Deutschland 
(ausgenommen Sperrgut- und Speditionslieferungen)